Press Room

22 April, 2024

World Creativity and Innovation Day

By Mike Margáin

What better day than April 21 to recognize and celebrate the fundamental role that creativity and innovation play in advancing society. From solving everyday problems to creating revolutionary technologies, creativity and innovation drive economic, social and sustainable progress around the world.

On this day, it is also important to highlight the essential role of intellectual property (IP) in the creative process. Through mechanisms such as copyrights, patents, designs and trademarks, IP not only facilitates the realization of innovative ideas, but also protects the rights of creators and fosters an environment conducive to innovation. It is an essential component in ensuring that innovators can properly benefit from their creations, and thus provides an incentive for R&D investment.

Coincidentally or not, this celebration precedes World IP Day (April 26) by only 5 days. This proximity highlights the link between the generation of innovative ideas and their legal protection, and underscores the importance of a strong IP system in fostering creativity and innovation worldwide.

At the same time, it is important to recognize the transformative potential of the creative economy and its ability to drive sustainable development globally. The creative industries, from design to the performing arts, play a crucial role in generating income, creating jobs and promoting cultural diversity. The protection and promotion of creativity and innovation through intellectual property is essential to ensure that creators can continue to contribute to enriching our lives and communities.

In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, creativity and innovation are key pillars for achieving the goals set. Implementing innovative solutions is critical to addressing global challenges, from ending poverty to tackling climate change. By fostering an enabling environment for creativity and innovation through intellectual property, we are moving towards a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for all.

Not just this April 21, but always, let us reflect on the transformative power of creativity and innovation, and commit to protecting and fostering an environment in which these qualities can flourish and thrive.

Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day!


Intellectual Property  Area of ECIJA Mexico, S.C.

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Mike Margáin