Juan Ignacio Fraschini
Juan Ignacio Fraschini
Juan Ignacio Fraschini
Socio de derecho fiscal en ECIJA Uruguay
Juan Ignacio Fraschini
Socio de derecho fiscal en ECIJA Uruguay
Ignacio is partner in the area of Tax Law. He has more than 20 years of professional experience, has been part of Uruguay XXI and Uruguayan Institute of Investment Promotion and Exports.
Doctor of Law and Social Sciences, UDELAR, with studies at LLM Internationals Steuerrecht, Universität Konstanz, Germany and Professional Course in International Taxation, Tax Planning & Transfer Pricing, Universität Münster.
Author of several publications, He has served as Professor at the University of Montevideo and Professor of Courses at the Complutense University, Madrid and at the Externado University of Colombia.
Juan Ignacio has been recognized from Chambers Latin America 2022, Leading Individual, World Tax Recommended Firm 2021 – Innovation Tax and Trust, World Tax 2021 – Highly Regarded Practitioner – General Corporate Tax – Juan Ignacio Fraschini and
Leaders League Ranked Firm 2021/2022 – Highly recommended – Company taxation – Innovation Tax and Trust.