Sala de Prensa

6 febrero, 2012

The Impact of EU Internet Copyright Regulations on Early-Stage Investment: A Quantitative Study –  in collaboration with ECIJA

Publish Date: February 6, 2012

Author(s): Ahmed, Tashfeen; Le Merle, Matthew; Pencavel, Christopher; Sarma, Raju

Abstract: As we move into a new era of Internet growth fueled by new and emerging technologies, it will be increasingly important to understand the effect that regulatory changes might have on the Internet’s growth. One area currently being debated is digital copyright, and regulators are now evaluating several potential changes to current law that could have a large impact not only on content providers and distributors but also on how users themselves interact with content. Our research goal is to understand how these changes might affect the level of early-stage investment.

Related Industries: Media & Entertainment, Private Equity, Technology, Telecommunications