Jorge González Cortade
Jorge González Cortade
Public and Regulatory
Jorge González Cortade
Partner public and regulatory
T. +34 917816160
Jorge González Cortade
Partner public and regulatory
T. +34 917816160
Jorge González Cortade is partner at ECIJA in the Public and Regulatory area. To date, he has been director of the Legal Department of the Madrid City Council. He has a deep knowledge of Spanish institutions, having held different positions within the public administration since he joined it in 2011. Previously, he held the position of State Attorney in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support of the (Ministry of Economy and Business), in the Deputy Directorate General of the State Litigation Services, in the State Attorney General’s Office in Valladolid and in the State Attorney General’s Office in the Balearic Islands.
Within the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, he provided comprehensive advice to the General State Administration in many different areas, specialising in the financial and insurance sector.
During his extensive professional career, Jorge has been a speaker for the Central Administrative Court of Contract Appeals since 2015 and a member of the Audit Committee of the Institute of Accounting and Auditing of Accounts. His in-depth knowledge of the public sector allows him to offer comprehensive advice to address any matter with a regulatory component, and he is a specialist in defending the interests of insurance companies and/or policyholders.
With a degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a senior leadership programme for public management awarded by the IESE, he has worked as a lecturer in various institutions, including the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economy and Business, the Ministry of Justice, FEGA, the Centre for Legal Studies and the National Statistics Institute, and has collaborated with the University of the Balearic Islands and IE University.