José Sauro
José Sauro
Regulatory compliance
José Sauro
Partner of Compliance at ECIJA Argentina
T +54 11 5365 5743/5992
José Sauro
Partner of Compliance at ECIJA Argentina
T +54 11 5365 5743/5992
José Sauro de Carvalho is a partner of ECIJA Argentina. Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and partner of the Compliance & Corporate Integrity area. He has worked for more than 20 years practicing business law through the leadership of the different legal departments he was in charge of, both locally and in Latin America.
He has been Compliance Officer in operations in South America, the Caribbean and Central America. He has solid experience in team development, compliance programme management, as well as in the prevention and management of national and international corporate risk. He was a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina -Amcham- and the Institute for Business Development of Argentina -IDEA-.
Author of several publications. Master in Taxation from the University of Belgrano, Graduate of the Judicial School of the Council of the Judiciary of the Province of Buenos Aires and Master in Law and Technology from the University of Buenos Aires.