Press Room

1 February, 2023

ECIJA Mexico opens the Sustainability and Environment practice with the incorporation of Carlos del Razo

The new partner, Carlos del Razo, will lead ECIJA’s Sustainability and Environment practice in Mexico, a firm that has a total of 191 partners and more than 1,000 professionals globally.

ECIJA starts 2023 reaffirming its growth strategy in Mexico. The Ibero-American firm with the largest presence in Latin America has announced the opening of the “Sustainability and Environment” practice in the country, with the incorporation as new partner and leader of the area, Carlos del Razo. With this incorporation, ECIJA adds a total of 7 partners in Mexico, together with a team of more than 30 professionals.

ECIJA Mexico’s new partner has more than 15 years of experience in the management of infrastructure projects and highly regulated industries. He is an expert in advising on obtaining and complying with permits and authorizations from the three levels of government, as well as in the development of due diligence in environmental matters and in the development of inspection procedures in the same discipline. In addition, he has a long track record in the design and execution of administrative litigation strategies related to environmental and energy regulations. He stands out for his specialization in the energy, mining, industry, tourism, real estate development and infrastructure sectors, among others.

The quality of his environmental practice has been recognized by the prestigious international rankings Chambers & Partners and Legal 500. Among some of his most outstanding professional achievements are having served as a member of the National Committee for Standardization in Natural Resources of SEMARNAT for more than 10 years (body in charge of the elaboration of Mexican official standards on environmental matters) and having been part of the team of lawyers that prevented the modification of the Mexican official standard regulating the quality of fuels (NOM-016-CRE-2016). He has advised on environmental impact assessment matters to the largest wind farm in Latin America, located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.  He is also the First Vice President of the board of directors of the Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact (AMIA), the most important association in the field at a national level.

For Joaquín Rodríguez, member of the Executive Committee of ECIJA Mexico: “In ECIJA we understand the relevance that currently has for companies to have ad hoc policies on ESG, sustainability and environment, which will undoubtedly continue to climb positions in the business agenda in Latin America and globally. We are also particularly pleased to have Carlos del Razo back with us, as his incorporation is practically an organic growth for the Firm”.

Ricardo Chacón, member of the Executive Committee and Managing Partner of ECIJA Mexico, said: “ECIJA, at a global level, has been strengthening this practice which has already been acknowledged among the best in the countries where we have presence, including Spain. With the incorporation of Carlos del Razo, we are pleased to reinforce the international strategic line drawn by the Firm as the best multidisciplinary Firm in Latin America, in addition to the fact that we continue to firmly position our ESG practice, pioneer in the country, and we reiterate our mission to be one of the reference law firms in Mexico”.

In the words of Carlos del Razo, new partner of ECIJA Mexico: “I am very excited to start this new phase, surrounded by excellent professionals with whom I started my professional career. Of course, law firms have a great responsibility and a fundamental role in regulatory compliance and the achievement of companies’ sustainability goals. I am confident that my experience will contribute to consolidate the different national and international projects in which ECIJA Mexico is working side by side with its clients and other offices globally”.

The new incorporation of Carlos del Razo is made public after ECIJA Mexico announced the appointment of two new partners last December 2022. These corporate movements are framed in its Mexican territory expansion plan.


ECIJA, with more than 28 years of international professional experience, is one of the leading firms in the global market, as recognized by international directories such as Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500. It has been recognized by The Lawyer as the best TMT firm in Europe and by the Financial Times as the most innovative firm in continental Europe 2022. ECIJA is the Latin American firm with the largest presence in Latin America and has offices in Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.


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Carlos del Razo