Press Room

26 April, 2024

ECIJA Mexico participates in AMIA event

By Carlos del Razo

Last Wednesday, April 24, Carlos del Razo, a partner at ECIJA Mexico, participated in his capacity as First Vice-President of the Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact (AMIA) in the discussion on the topic: “Challenges and opportunities of the EIA in Mexico City”.


The guest with whom Mr. del Razo conversed was Mr. Julio García Vergara, Head of the General Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment and Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment (SEDEMA). The topic of the discussion was the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) whose aim is to prevent, mitigate, and restore environmental damage as well as to regulate works or activities to avoid or reduce their negative effects. For example, during Mr. Julio García’s management, 42 Environmental Impact Analyses (AIAs) and 46 environmental damage assessments have been issued.

The importance of incorporating a social approach in environmental impact studies was highlighted. The experts emphasized that in addition to urban development programs, a variety of instruments should be considered to avoid biased evaluations. The inclusion of a social element seeks to ensure that the needs and opinions of affected communities are considered, which is essential to maintain integrity and justice in the EIA processes.

During the discussion, challenges in managing project modifications were also addressed, especially when they involve multiple authorities, both local and federal. The need for strategic planning was emphasized as a key tool to overcome administrative obstacles and ensure that changes in projects comply with environmental regulations. This is particularly relevant in projects overseen by institutions like SEDEMA, where effective coordination between different levels of government is crucial.

Finally, the experts stressed the importance of the neighborhood consultation process in projects affecting areas as small as 10 square meters. This process is not only a legal requirement but also promotes transparency and allows citizens to play an active role in environmental decision-making. By improving these practices, community participation can be strengthened, ensuring that projects are developed responsibly and sustainably.

The conference on EIA turned out to be an event of great significance, thanks to the notable participation of Carlos del Razo and Julio García, whose contributions were key to highlighting the importance of integrating a social and strategic approach in the EIA.


Sustainability and Environment Area of ECIJA Mexico

+52 55 5662 6840


Carlos del Razo