Press Room

3 June, 2024

World Bicycle Day

World Bicycle Day is celebrated every year on June 3rd, a date established by the United Nations in 2018 with the aim of promoting the use of this healthy, ecological, and accessible means of transportation.

In environmental terms, the bicycle is a transport alternative that does not produce carbon emissions, thereby contributing to the reduction of air pollution and the mitigation of climate change. Unlike motor vehicles, bicycles do not consume fossil fuels and require fewer resources for their manufacture and maintenance.

In Mexico, the use of bicycles as a means of transportation has been increasing, especially in large cities such as Mexico City and Guadalajara, where it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people use bicycles daily. However, this growth also faces several challenges. The cycling infrastructure is insufficient and often unsafe, with few exclusive lanes and poor signage, putting cyclists at risk.

At ECIJA Mexico’s Sustainability and Environment area, we promote the use of bicycles, as we are aware that it is crucial to invest in safe infrastructure and implement public policies that encourage the use of bicycles, fostering a culture of respect and coexistence on public roads. These practices contribute to a clean, healthy, and livable urban environment for all citizens.


Sustainability and Environment Area of ECIJA Mexico

(+52 55) 56 62 68 40


Carlos del Razo