Press Room

21 June, 2024

ECIJA Mexico Participates as Speaker in Environmental Forum Organized by IPN

On June 20th, in an event of great significance for Mexican environmental policy, Carlos del Razo, partner at ECIJA Mexico and Vice President of the Mexican Association of Environmental Impact (AMIA), participated as a speaker in the Catedra Patrimonial del Medio Ambiente. The main objective of the forum was to establish the role of environmental science associations and colleges in building environmental policy in Mexico.


During his first intervention, Carlos del Razo highlighted the various obstacles and issues that associations face. He underscored that one of the biggest challenges is financial, as many associations must self-sustain. In this context, he emphasized the need to allow associations to seek alternative means of financing.

AMIA has presented its opinions and various mitigation and protection proposals, demonstrating the importance of these associations maintaining their relevance and that experts in government policies and environmental practices are heard. Therefore, it is essential to raise standards to achieve good environmental practices.

In his second intervention, Carlos stated that, similar to the College of Civil Engineers, AMIA has issued important bulletins on circular economy and water management, aimed at its members and the general public. Del Razo highlighted several critical needs:

  • Strategic Environmental Assessment: It is fundamental to foresee strategic environmental assessment and evaluate programs holistically in each region.
  • Adequate Land Management: Supervise the ecological zoning committees, as many have been dismantled and are not operational.
  • Promotion of Renewable Energy Projects: Promote renewable energy projects so that companies with an international presence in Mexico reduce their carbon footprints, thus avoiding sanctions, tariff adjustments, and restrictions.

The event was moderated by Dr. Alfonso Mejia and included the participation of six other specialists on the topic. The notable intervention of Carlos del Razo, lead partner of the Sustainability and Environment Area at ECIJA Mexico, along with the effective moderation of Dr. Mejía, laid the foundation for joint actions and sustainable strategies that will improve the country’s environmental policy.



Sustainability and Environment Area at ECIJA Mexico

(+52 55) 56 62 68 40


Carlos del Razo