David Sánchez Lanuza
David Sánchez Lanuza
David Sánchez Lanuza
Partner, Administrative, Real Estate and Environmental law
T. +34 928 337 404
David Sánchez Lanuza
Partner, Administrative, Real Estate and Environmental law
T. +34 928 337 404
David is a partner in ECIJA’s Administrative, Real Estate and Environmental Law area in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
With over 20-years’ experience, he has acted as legal advisor to companies and individuals on administrative and real estate law (public procurement, expropriations, town plans and urban planning, tourism, public property, among others).
He has extensive experience as an advisor to government agencies and has also been lead counsel in appeals for judicial review.
Before joining ECIJA in 2018, Mr Sánchez Lanuza was a partner at Díaz de Aguilar Abogados.
David is a guest lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Real Estate Law at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and is a regular speaker at conferences, in addition to being a regular contributor to specialised media.
He holds an LLB in Law (Licentiatura en Derecho) from the University of Zaragoza, an MA in Territorial and Urban Policy from Carlos III University of Madrid, and Master’s Degree in Real Estate Law from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. David is a founding member of the Canary Islands Real Estate Law Association and of the Bar Association of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
David is co-author of the following works:
Veinte años de Derecho Urbanístico Canario (Twenty-years’ Canary Islands Real Estate Law, (Ed. Montecorvo, S.A. Madrid, 2007).
Diez años de la Ley de Ordenación del Territorio de Canaria (Ten-years’ the Canary Islands Land Management Act), (Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia, 2010).
40 años de ordenación del territorio y legislación del territorio en Canarias (40-years’ land planning and legislation in the Canary Islands) (Tirant lo Blanca, Valencia 2017).