João Magalhães Ramalho
João Magalhães Ramalho
João Magalhães Ramalho
Partner of ECIJA in Portugal. Tax Law.
T. +351 21 319 2080
João Magalhães Ramalho
Partner of ECIJA in Portugal. Tax Law.
T. +351 21 319 2080
With more than 30 years’ experience in the Tax area, João Magalhães Ramalho has been dedicated to assisting national and international clients in tax matters, with a special focus on M&A, Real Estate and Private Clients. He has been consistently following the Brazilian market since 2009.
In 1992 he joined the law firm Barros Sobral, Xavier, G. Gomes e Associados, where he advised Professor Dr. Alberto Xavier. Subsequently, between 1995 and 1999, he was a senior consultant in the Tax Consultancy Department of Arthur Andersen (now Deloitte). In 1999, and until 2019, he joined the law firm PLMJ, where he was a partner and responsible for the Tax Department and the Brazilian Desk. Between 2019 and 2023 he was a partner in TELLES’ Tax Department. Since 2024, he is a partner and co-head at Antas da Cunha ECIJA’s Tax Department.
João Magalhães Ramalho is the author of the book “O Regime de Neutralidade Fiscal nas Operações de Fusão, Cisão, Entrada de Activos e Permuta de Partes Sociais – Comentários ao Código do IRC” (The Tax Neutrality Regime in Mergers, Spin-offs, Asset Receipts and Share Exchanges – Comments to the Corporate Income Tax Code), which, due to its novelty, was a landmark in Portuguese doctrine on this subject. He is also the author of several other technical articles and regularly collaborates in various newspapers with opinion pieces on tax related matters.
In 2009, he won the Iberian Lawyer Forty Under Forty award, which recognises the best Iberian lawyers under the age of 40. As the lawyer responsible for a relevant ECJ VAT case and head of PLMJ’s Tax Department, he was also awarded the ITR prize (European Tax Awards) – 2019 European Impact Cases – Portugal: Change in VAT treatment of real estate transactions in Portugal.
João Magalhães Ramalho has been consistently recognised over the years as a leading lawyer by the main international professional directories.
He holds the title of Tax Specialist Lawyer awarded by the Portuguese Bar Association and judge-arbitrator at CAAD (Arbitration Court). He is a member of the board of the Portuguese Association of Tax Consultants, and a pier of the CFE Direct Taxes Subcommittee (CFE Tax Advisers Europe). He is also a member of AFP – Associação Fiscal Portuguesa, IBA – International Bar Association, IFA – International Fiscal Association, STEP – Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, and of the Forum for International Wealth Advisors 2.0.