Press Room

19 June, 2024

ECIJA Mexico participates as a panelist in a Discussion coordinated by the National Polytechnic Institute


We are pleased to announce our participation in the next Conversation with the main chambers and trade associations in environmental matters, where our partner, Carlos Del Razo, in his capacity as first vice president of the AMIA, will have the honor of serving as a panelist.


One of the main objectives of this exchange of ideas will be to establish the role of professional associations and colleges of environmental sciences in the construction of Mexican environmental policy.

Topic: “The performance of trade organizations in the definition of environmental policy and sustainability in Mexico.”

Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Time: 12:30 hrs. (CDMX schedule).

Modality: Face-to-face in the Conical Auditorium of the Directorate of Business Services and Technology Transfer (DSETT-IPN). The broadcast will be made through the ZOOM platform and the YouTube channels, both Colmex and CIIEMAD, as well as through Facebook Live of FEMCOBI and the CPCB of the State of Mexico.

The event will feature the participation of Mtros. Juan Kaye and Jorge Escobar, (among others), and with the presence of Dr. Alfonso Mejía, who in turn is one of the main organizers of this conversation.

For more information, please write to:, and



Sustainability and Environment Area of ECIJA Mexico

(+52 55) 56 62 68 40


Carlos del Razo