Press Room

9 July, 2024

Mexico Participates as Speaker at Conference Organized by TEC de Monterrey

Last Monday, July 8, Carlos del Razo, partner at ECIJA Mexico and vice president of AMIA, served as a speaker at an event organized by the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

ECIJA was present at an event focused on the modeling of Net Zero for 2050, where public policy experts shared their insights and proposals. Among the participants were representatives from the IDB, INECC, ICM, KPMG, the French Cooperation Agency, among others.

During the conference, TEC de Monterrey presented its own modeling to achieve the Net Zero goal by 2050. In this context, Carlos, representing the Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact (AMIA), shared several key proposals that were included in the event’s working notes. The highlighted recommendations were: launching the Emissions Trading System (ETS), sustainably increasing the carbon tax, investing in transmission lines to support the increase of renewable energy plants, improving carbon sinks, working on initiatives for forest restoration, and improving access to public environmental information, citizen participation, and access to environmental justice.

These contributions underscore the importance of coordinated and sustained action to achieve climate goals and reflect the commitment of ECIJA, AMIA, and TEC de Monterrey to sustainability and climate change mitigation. The event marked a significant step towards collaboration between various entities and experts to achieve a sustainable future.


ECIJA Mexico Sustainability and Environment Department

+52 55 5662 6840


Carlos del Razo