Press Room

22 February, 2024
Mexico City, on February 21st, 2024.

Renewal of the Specialized Services or Works Registration.

Today, February 21st, 2024; was published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”, for its acronym in Spanish) the Accord that modifies the one by which was published the general provisions for the registration of individuals and legal entities that provide specialized services or specialized works referred to in article 15 of the Federal Labor Law (the “Accord”), in which is set forth the procedure for the renewal of the Specialized Services or Specialized Works Vendor Registration (“REPSE”).

Please be reminded that the Federal Labor Law (“FLL”) establishes the obligation for individuals or legal entities to enroll in the Registry of Specialized Services or Specialized Works Vendors, which must be renewed every 3 (three) years.

The Accord establishes that the renewal of the registration must be carried out within 3 (three) months prior to the expiration of the REPSE. For this purpose, the following dates are established:


Year of Registration Month of Registration Registration Renewal Month




June From March to May 2024
July From April to June 2024
August From May to July 2024
September From June to August 2024
October From July to September 2024
November From August to October 2024
December From September to November 2024






January From October to December 2024
February From November 2024 to January 2025
March From December 2024 to February 2025
April From January to March 2025
May From February to April 2025
June From March to May 2025
July From April to June 2025
August From May to July 2025
September From June to August 2025
October From July to September 2025
November From August to October 2025
December From September to November 2025



January From October to December 2025
February From November 2025 to January 2026
March From December 2025 to February 2026
April From January to March 2026
May From February to April 2026
June From March to May 2026
July From April to June 2026
August From May to July 2026
September From June to August 2026
October From July to September 2026
November From August to October 2026
December From September to November 2026

Within the platform, it will be enabled a module named “Registration Renewal”, which can only be accessed in the abovementioned dates. Once the deadline has expired, the module will be disabled and the REPSE will be cancelled, hence, a new registration must be requested.

The renewal application must be addressed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare within twenty (20) business days after its filing.

Please take into consideration, that individuals or legal entities who have REPSE must revise the date in which it was granted in order to carry out its renewal within the legal term set forth to this effect.

We remain at your disposal, with respect to any support or advice you may require in this regard.



Labor and Social Security Practice of ECIJA Mexico

(+52 55) 56 62 68 40



Tania Ávila