Press Room

22 February, 2024
Mexico City, on February 21st, 2024.

Review of the Annual Determination of the Premium in the Occupational Risks Insurance.

February 29th, 2024 is the last day for employers to file with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (“IMSS”, for its acronym in Spanish), the annual revision of its accident rate.

Pursuant article 74 of the Social Security Law (“LSS”, for its acronym in Spanish), employers are obliged to annually review its accident rate, according to the time period and within the term set forth by the Social Security Law Regulations on Affiliation, Company Classification, Collection and Auditing (“RACERF”, for its acronym in Spanish).

In this regard, the RACERF foresees that this accident rate review must be file in February of each year, determining whether they remain in the same premium or whether it increases or decreases in order to pay the Occupational Risks Insurance’s contributions.

Please bear in mind that, in order to determine the new premium, it shall be considered all and every of the occupational risks terminated in 2023, whether subsidized days for temporary disabilities, partial or total permanent disabilities, or death.

We remain at your disposal, with respect to any support or advice you may require in this regard.

Labor and Social Security Practice of ECIJA Mexico
(+52 55) 56 62 68 40


Tania Ávila