26 June, 2020
Spain-US Chamber of Commerce organizes the webinar “Practical lessons learned 2 years after the entry in force of the European General Regulation on data protection” next July 28th at t 11:00 a.m.
Carlos Pérez and Ricardo Oliveras, partners at ECIJA law firm, one of the EU leader law firms in the field of Information Technologies and Data Protection, to learn about practical experiences after two years of enforcement of the European legislation on data protection.
During this webinar, our panelists will talk about:
• Practical experiences and penalties imposed by EU Data Protection authorities.
• Transnational implications for US companies with interests in the EU.
• CCPA and Privacy Shield: brief references to data protection legal framework in the US from a practical perspective.
• Carlos Pérez | Partner | ECIJA
• Ricardo Oliveras | Partner | ECIJA
More information at the following link.