Press Room

6 April, 2024

World Health Day

By Carlos del Razo

Human Right to a Healthy Environment: A Global Call to Action on World Health Day 2024.


The United Nations (UN) celebrates World Health Day on April 7 each year, a date that commemorates the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3, prioritizes health as the central axis of its objectives, seeking to ensure the integral wellbeing of the population at a global level. This approach is articulated within a broader framework recognizing that human health is fundamental to achieving long-term prosperity and equity. The agenda is committed to combating infectious diseases, addressing the challenges of noncommunicable diseases, and mitigating health vulnerabilities amplified by socioeconomic inequalities and environmental risks.

The WHO Council on Health Economics for All has found that although at least 140 countries recognize health as a human right in their constitution, only 4 countries have mentioned how to finance it.

The biggest challenge to achieving SDG 3 according to the UN is the discrepancy in life expectancy of over 30 years between countries, caused by all the conflicts that need to be resolved in this area.

What are the main problems facing global health related to the lack of a healthy environment?

  • Deaths attributable to air pollution: 7 million each year worldwide, divided between outdoor and indoor air pollution.
  • Environment-related diseases: Exposure to fine particulate matter can cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including heart disease associated with an increased risk of acute respiratory infections.

Health in Mexico

Mexico is one of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries that invests the least in health.

The Ministry of Health was allocated a budget of 87 billion pesos in 2024, 58% (123.3 billion pesos) less than in 2023, due to the disappearance of the Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar (INSABI). Its replacement, IMSS-Bienestar, allocated 127 billion pesos to non- sectorized entities. As a result, public health institutions are unable to serve the same number of people and the inequality gap in health insurance is widening.

What actions can be taken to boost health through sustainability?

  • Implement and enforce legal measures to mitigate climate change and its impacts on health, including reducing air pollution and adapting agricultural practices to ensure food security.
  • Increase funding for public health research, development of new medical technologies, and evaluation of effective health interventions.
  • Foster collaboration among countries, international organizations, the private sector and civil society to share knowledge, resources and strategies in the fight against global health challenges.
  • Address social, economic and environmental factors that affect health, such as education, employment, access to nutritious food, and the housing environment.

At ECIJA Mexico we provide strategic legal solutions that support innovation and progress in healthcare, anticipating regulatory trends and challenges, ensuring that every decision resolves conflicts locally and internationally.

With a proactive approach and a deep understanding of the industry, we position ourselves at the forefront of healthcare law, responding to the unique needs of the environment.

Now, more than ever, be part of this global movement with ECIJA Mexico.



Sustainability and Environment Area of ECIJA México

+52 55 5662 6840


Carlos del Razo