Press Room

1 March, 2023

Mexico City, Mexico, March 1, 2023

ECIJA Mexico collaborates with the Benito Juarez City Hall for urban green areas’ conservation

This initiative is part of ECIJA’s global reforestation project, undertaken globally by the law firm since 2021.

On February 23rd, ECIJA Mexico started its first activity regarding environmental protection and care, joining the work of conservation and maintenance of green areas carried out by the Mayor’s Office Benito Juarez, through the adoption of a space within the San Jose Insurgentes neighborhood. This action, in addition to strengthening the firm’s presence in the area, is a way of being part of the sustainability actions of the Mayor’s Office. Thus, collaborating in the recovery of public space in Mexico City, and reinforcing the importance of establishing solid ties with the stakeholders that surround an organization, in this case the Mayor’s Office and the community of neighbors.

Carlos del Razo, Partner and Head of the Environmental Area of ECIJA Mexico, symbolically received the adopted area from Alejandra Vivanco, Councilwoman of the district and Head of the Substantive Equality Commission. At the ceremony, Councilwoman Vivanco thanked, on behalf of the Benito Juarez City Hall and the neighbors of the neighborhood, the commitment assumed by ECIJA Mexico for the conservation and care of urban green areas, as well as the creation of employment associated with its maintenance. After the presentation of a recognition for the commitment acquired, Ricardo Chacón and Joaquín Rodríguez, Partners of ECIJA Mexico, unveiled a small plaque in the place that marks the area that will be rehabilitated in the coming days.

The initiative is part of the global reforestation project that the law firm launched in 2021, “ECIJA Forest“, through which more than 200 trees have been planted globally, as well as rehabilitated green and urban areas. In addition, the project involves the participation of more than 900 collaborators of the international firm. In this regard, Berenice Sagaón, Partner of ECIJA Mexico, added: “ECIJA is increasingly committed to environmental care, and this is reflected within the organization. This initiative is born from the commitment that each member of our team must care for and protect our planet, as well as to disseminate environmental preservation measures in the 16 countries where we have presence”. It is worth mentioning that this initiative also ratifies, through real and material actions, the leadership that ECIJA Mexico has in ESG, Human Rights and Responsible Business Conduct.

The event was attended by members of ECIJA Mexico’s team, neighbors of the San Jose Insurgentes neighborhood and members of different areas of the Benito Juarez Mayor’s Office. The area adopted by the legal consulting services firm is located on Mercaderes Street. It will be completely rehabilitated in the coming days. The adoption of this space, by ECIJA Mexico, guarantees the care and maintenance of the area, besides serving as an example to other companies that are already considering joining similar initiatives.



ECIJA, with more than 28 years of international professional experience, is one of the leading firms in the global market, as recognized by international directories such as Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500. It has been recognized by The Lawyer as the best TMT firm in Europe and by the Financial Times as the most innovative firm in continental Europe 2022. ECIJA is the Latin American firm with the largest presence in Latin America and has offices in Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.





Joaquín Rodríguez

Carlos del Razo

Ricardo Chacón