Alberto Alonso Ureba
Alberto Alonso Ureba
Capital markets, Corporate/Mergers and Acquisitions
Alberto Alonso Ureba
Partner, Corporate/ M&A, Stocks Markets
T. +34 917 816 160
Alberto Alonso Ureba
Partner, Corporate/ M&A, Stocks Markets
T. +34 917 816 160
Alberto Alonso Ureba is a partner at ECIJA’s Corporate/ M&A, Stocks Markets practice areas, with over 40-years’ experience in the sector. He specialises in Mergers and Acquisitions, Contracts, Competition, Corporate and Corporate Governance–particularly in the field of listed companies–credit institutions, state-owned companies and foundations. He has experience in arbitration in contracts and corporate matters.
Mr Ureba has been head of the commercial, corporate and corporate governance areas at Ramón y Cajal and of the commercial law and markets areas at Baker & Mckenzie. The UK’s Chambers & Partners directory has rated him a top lawyer in his respective areas of practice.
He has carried out his professional practice with intense academic activity, which has made him a true leader in the sphere of Commercial Law as Head Lecturer in Commercial Law at Complutense University of Madrid and Professor of Commercial Law.
He is an ex-officio member of the Spanish Ministry of Justice’s General Codification Commission and was the Government of Spain’s permanent representative to the EU for the Company Law Directives.
On top of his extensive experience in legal practice, he has also served on the boards of several international companies. He sat on the board of Endesa, S.A. and served on the Audit, Compliance and Connected-Party Transactions Committee of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A. (2017-20). He also co-founded of the Revista de Derecho de Sociedades (Journal of Corporate Law) and is a member of the Madrid Bar Association
He speaks Spanish, English and German.
Alberto Alonso Ureba is the author of three monographs:
He is Co-Director and Co-Author of various relevant works, including.:
– Derecho de Sociedades Anónimas Cotizadas (Listed Company Law) (2005).
– Modificaciones Estructurales de las Sociedades Mercantiles (Structural Modification of Commercial Companies) (2009).
– La Modernización del Derecho de Sociedades de Capital en España (Modernising Corporate Enterprises Law in Spain) (2011).
– Junta General y Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad Cotizada (General Meetings and Boards of Listed Companies) (2016).
– Sociedades cotizadas y transparencia en los mercados (Listed companies and transparency in the markets) (2019).