Blanca Gómez de la Torre
Blanca Gómez de la Torre
Litigation and Arbitration
Blanca Gómez de la Torre
Partner of Dispute Resolution: litigation and arbitration in ECIJA GPA
Quito, Ecuador
T. +593 2986528
Blanca Gómez de la Torre
Partner of Dispute Resolution: litigation and arbitration in ECIJA GPA
Quito, Ecuador
T. +593 2986528
Blanca is a partner in ECIJA Ecuador’s Dispute Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration practice area. She has over 20-years’ experience in civil, commercial, and administrative proceedings and in national and international arbitration cases. Her professional practice has also extended to the areas of national and international public law, competition law, finance, banking and aeronautics.
She holds a PhD in Jurisprudence from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, a senior specialist degree in procedural law from Simón Bolívar Andean University, and an MA in International Commercial Law from La Rioja International University in Spain.
Blanca is a member of the list of arbitrators of the Chamber of Commerce of Quito and of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima. She has been an arbitrator of the American Arbitration Association’s International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) and for the Quito Chamber of Commerce.
She is currently Deputy Chair of the Ecuadoran Arbitration Institute and a member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb.), the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA) and at Latin American International Arbitration (LIA). She is also a founding partner of WIP Ecuador.
She works as a Professor of Alternative Conflict Resolution and Commercial Arbitration Methods at San Francisco University in Quito.
Blanca speaks English and Spanish.
Blanca is co-author of the following publications:
Derecho De Corrección Económica, Defensa De La Competencia Y Competencia Desleal.
Caso OXY. Defensa Jurídica de una Decisión Soberana y en derecho del Estado Ecuatoriano. (Economic Adjustment Law. Competition Law and Unfair Competition. The OXY case. Legal Defence of a Legal Sovereign Decision of the Ecuadoran State.
Caso CHEVRON: Defensa del Ecuador frente al uso indebido del arbitraje de inversión. (The CHEVRON case. Defending Ecuador against abuse of investor-state arbitration).