Press Room

15 April, 2024

World Art Day

By Mike Margáin

Every year on 15 April, World Art Day is an opportunity to celebrate the richness and diversity of art around the world. This date, which coincides with the birth of one of history’s greatest geniuses – the artist and inventor – Leonardo da Vinci, is a reminder of the influence and relevance of art in our lives.

In the field of art, intellectual property (IP) plays a crucial role, encompassing the legal, economic and moral rights that creators have over their works, from music to film, architecture, painting, cinema and literature. These rights are essential to protect creativity and encourage innovation in all forms of artistic expression, providing artists with the security and recognition they deserve for their work.

As in many areas of human endeavour, the digital age has brought complex challenges to the relationship between art and IP. One of the most pressing issues is the authorship of works created by artificial intelligence (AI). This dilemma has called into question the very nature of artistic creation and has sparked ethical and legal debates in the courts of several countries. A notable example is the case of “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy”, a work created by an algorithm, which raised questions about who should be considered the true author.

Currently, copyright has not evolved to address these new scenarios. A thorough debate and revision of the rules is needed to ensure that the rights of true creators, whether human or algorithmic, are fairly protected in this ever-evolving digital age.

World Art Day provides the opportunity to consider how IP can protect and promote a valuable form of human expression. In doing so, we can ensure that works of art continue to enrich our lives for generations to come, even in an increasingly digital and complex world.

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Mike Margáin