Ibero-american giant
Legal 500

Global Presence

ECIJA is the leading law firm in Spain in Information Technology, Intellectual Property & Data Protection.

The first ECIJA office was founded in Madrid in 1997 as a specialised boutique in Audiovisual and Intellectual Property Law. 25 years later, ECIJA has positioned itself as the most innovative law firm in continental Europe (Financial Times) and in the top 10 of the Spanish legal sector, consolidating its position as one of the best multidisciplinary and independent law firms in the Spanish market, as accredited by the most prestigious international directories. In Spain, ECIJA has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Pamplona and Vitoria, with a multidisciplinary team of more than 75 partners and 350 professionals, with exceptional experience in their areas of specialisation, qualified to work in different jurisdictions, with extensive knowledge of the different sectors and national and international markets.


Luis de la Haza

Francisco Iniesto

Macarena Miranda

Silvia Zamorano

Silvia Zamorano

Margarita Soto

José María Abella

Alberto Alonso Ureba

María Jesús Álvarez

Alfonso María Autuori

Cristina Azpitarte

José Ignacio Azpitarte

Rafael Azpitarte

Magdalena Bertram

Jordi Bonet Agustí

Josep Borràs

Carolina Montero

Ignacio Díaz De Aguilar

Pepo de la Concepción

Arturo del Burgo

Elena Annez de Taboada

Leticia Domínguez

Hugo Écija

Juan José Enríquez

Alfonso Fernández de Trocóniz

Luis Felipe Fernández de Trocóniz

Felipe Fernández

Sandra García

Gorka Goenechea

Patricia Gómez-Cambronero

Jorge González Cortade

María González

Paul Handal

Alonso Hurtado

Pablo Jiménez de Parga

Marino Lanza

Patricia Liñán Hernández

Cristina Llop

Yolanda Lobao

Daniel López

Javier López

Librado Loriente

Sönke Lund

María Marqués Barrena

Jesús Martín Botella

Carlos Martínez-Cebrián

César Martínez

Miguel Ángel Martínez

Maite Mascaró

Andrés Merino

Moisés Romero

Víctor Moralo

Xavi Muñoz

Gabriel Nadal

Ignasi Navarro

Ricardo Oliveras

Elena Ordúñez

Marta Ortego

Purvi Parekh

Teresa Pereyra

Emilio Prieto

Jordi Pujante

Rafael Ybarra

Raúl Rojas

Antonio Roncero

Maite Royo

Juan Salmerón

Miguel Sánchez

Héctor Sbert

Salvador Silvestre

Helena Suárez

José Antonio Suárez

Ignasi Subirachs

Juan Eugenio Tordesillas

Alejandro Touriño

Cristina Villasante

Fernando Vizcaíno

Oliver Von Schiller

Ignacio Wucherpfennig

Jesús Yáñez

Technically and legally excellent. Having someone who understands the law
as well as technology is not that common: they do it to perfection
Chambers and Partners 2019


ECIJA, leader in TMT and benchmark in digital economy according to Chambers & Partners Europe 2025

ECIJA appoints Rafael Piqueras to strengthen its Competition Law practice

Is It Time for Large UK Law Firms to Begin Taking Private Equity Investment?


Calle Serrano, 69
28006 Madrid
T. +34 917 816 160

Islas Canarias

Calle Imeldo Serís, 108, 5D
38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
T. 922 27 09 30.
Calle Domingo Rivero, 7
Oficina 11
35004, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
T. 922 27 09 30.


Avenida Roncesvalles, 4, 1º
31002 Pamplona, Navarra
T.: +34 948 40 99 23


Calle Colón nº 15,
Planta 1ª, puerta 1 y 2
46004 Valencia · T +34 960 725 097


Pº Independencia, 23.
Pral.  Izda.
50001 Zaragoza
T +34 876 258 161


Manuel Iradier Kalea, 3
01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava
T. +34 945 13 64 40



Av. Eduardo Dato, 69.
Edificio Galia Nervión,
Planta 7ª
41005 Sevilla